Welcome 2014
Guess who? (And from what camera?)
It was a busy holiday season for us as always, though this year was particularly packed for some reason. I am just coming out of the trailing edge of seasonal activity and thinking once again about photography.
So Happy New Year to everyone! Better late than never…
We are big olympaholics in this house and will watch summer or winter Olympics for hours on end. Truth be told we slightly favor the winter Olympics, perhaps due to the higher speeds and greater likelihood of folks wiping out.
Given my recent penchant for M42 mount cameras I couldn’t resist trying another model out. I found one that will be very appropriate given that the Sochi XXII Olympic Winter Games are coming up soon.
See if you can figure out who the above figure is (not too hard…) as well as what was in the box he is printed on (perhaps a bit harder!).