Some Corny Roll In A Day Fun

Lomography Sprocket Rocket, Kodak Porta 400

No, I have not been lost in a corn maze the last month or two…

I have simply been super busy, both at home and elsewhere.  Some of it has been good fun, but frankly a lot of it has simply been staying on top of parenting and life responsibilities.

Thank goodness the recent Roll In A Day was scheduled for a weekend.  The few before it were on a week day and I wasn’t able to participate.

The theme was “toy camera” so I naturally reached for my Lomography Sprocket Rocket.  This camera shoots extra-wide frames on standard 35mm film and even exposes over the sprocket holes.

We visited our favorite pumpkin patch Uesugi Farms in San Martin, California.  I took a whole roll there full of corn, pumpkins, a train, and even artillery.

(Yes, it turns out that pumpkins can actually be shot a long distance with respectable accuracy!)

This camera is a blast, and while I don’t take it out very often I always adore the results.  Good color negative film like Kodak Portra 400 is forgiving enough to get great shots in anything close to daylight even with the Sprocket Rocket’s mere two exposure settings.

I hope next month’s RIAD is also on the weekend and sticks to a simple theme or is even open ended like the first few were.

Roll In A Day April

Nikon F6, Nikkor F 105/2.5 P, Kodak Porta 400

April 21st was the second Roll in a day / A day in a roll event.  This is where you shoot a roll of film over the course of one day and upload it in its entirety to your Flickr photostream.

I loved this event when I participated the first time one a month ago.  I especially enjoyed it now as my Dear Sweet Wife went along for the ride this time.

She was encouraged by a recent gift that I gave her, a little something to reignite her love for film photography.  I think it worked!

This time around for my roll I again shot my Nikon F6 with Kodak Portra 400 film.  However, I decided to try using only my old manual focus Nikkor F 105/2.5 P lens.

We had a blast, encountering a teen rock band that really rocked, rodents of unusual size (or ROUS) at Happy Hollow, enjoyed cold treats with our friends, and wrapped up with some yarn winding at home.

See my whole roll here, and her whole roll here.  You can find plenty of examples of our two perspectives on the same subjects.

I am looking forward to the next RIAD event Saturday May 19th, although I am going to have to cook up something different for this time…