Does such an organization exist? If so, tell me where to sign up…
Our family is consumed by an obsession every two years or so. When the Olympics roll around we are glued to the TV/DVR in nearly every free moment.
Here are a few of my favorite photographic posts related to the Olympics.
It turns out that both professional photographers and professional athletes can suffer from lens cap dysfunction.
Sadly is doesn’t take long for a modern Olympic site to become an ancient ruin.
Large format film photography has a place in today’s Olympic coverage, both for portraiture as well as live action on the sideline.
If you noticed a particular style to shooting women’s beach volleyball competitors you are not alone.
Photographers can be the most friendly lot, even helping a bunch of lost folks find their way.
It always rings true that you are what you eat, and these champion meals are no exception.
(And yes, it would appear the good folks at PetaPixel are just as obsessed as I am judging by all these Olympic-related posts coming from them…)
Truth be told, I have been consumed by more than one obsession lately. Our pile of over 20 rolls of film from our Japan trip has encouraged me to further refine my batch scanning skills as well as fully embrace Adobe Lightroom into the core of my workflow.
I feel like I have been stuck in a cave for a month trying to figure this out. But I think I am finally emerging and hope to share my experiences (and photos!) soon.