Box of Shame
There are things I absolutely love about working with film. I love the cameras, the different characteristics of the films, the look of slides or traditional prints from negatives… the list goes on and on.
But, I have to admit that digital has at least one major advantage which is convenience of post-capture processing and distribution. I can live with the the delay to ship out my exposed film to my current favorite lab and then get the film and/or prints back. But we live in a digital world now as far as “consumption” of photographs is concerned and getting the images into Flickr, SmugMug, my personal devices, and of course this blog are really the end game.
So that brings us to scanning, and my current predicament which I will detail for you now. I call the subject of the above shot my “Box of Shame” as it presently contains the below developed and waiting-to-be-scanned rolls of 35mm film:
- Kodak T-Max P3200 B&W shot at a friend’s wedding back in 2006
- Ilford HP5 Plus B&W shot in Columbia State Park also in 2006
- Fuji Velvia 100 color slides pushed 1-stop (thought I would cross process, but didn’t) shot in my back yard of my boys playing this past winter
- Fuji Velvia 50 color slides pushed 1-stop, same time/subjects/reasons as above
- Fuji NPH 400 color negative by my wife using her Blackbird Fly around our neighborhood
- Fuji Superia 1600 color negative by me using my Sprocket Rocket inside the Exploratorium (horribly underexposed I might add)
- Fuji Provia 400P color slides at same time/place as above (though outside with good exposure)
- Kodak T-Max 400 shot of our 2nd to last family trip down to Orange County
- Kodak E100 VS cross processed at Happy Hollow from March (ok, partially online in this set)
- Fuji Provia 400P from same Happy Hollow visit but via my Sprocket Rocket
- Ilford HP5 Plus B&W of family shots around San Francisco
- Ilford XP2 Super B&W of some local kid park activity
- Ilford HP5 Plus B&W family shots from out last Orange County trip
- Two rolls of Kodak E100G cross procssed from the same trip
- Kodak E100GX cross processed from the same trip
- Fuji Provia 100F from a family park outing to Ed Levin Country Park
- That Sensia 200 test roll of color negs shot through my “new” Nikon FA
Depending on how you count them that is 17 to 18 rolls of film I need to scan! Yikes, I need to get cracking!
By the way, you may notice some changes to the design of this blog as I play some more with Typepad’s canned layouts. The gray hyperlink text of the “Simple White” layout is too hard to read…